June 05, 2013

How to Backup Bookmarks in Google Chrome?

backup and restore chrome bookmarks
Chrome Bookmarks Backup.
Hey, today I'm going to show how to backup
bookmarks or save bookmarks in Google chrome to local disk or space on your PC.  Sometimes due to problems in PC or due to virus or Malware attacks,  which may  cause loss of precious data or bookmarks we saved on our browsers. Its really  annoying to lose bookmarks and we have to find those links that are lost all over again.
 Well, don't worry folks , from now on  just save/export your bookmarks  to your local  hard disk and you need not worry about losing links ever again.
      Google Chrome provides an easy option to Import and Export bookmarks in the form of HTML file, not only that you can even make folders for different categories of bookmarks as you need.

Now a days every one is fond of mobility,due to lack of time or what ever may be the reason. Bookmarks can be carried with your thumb drive or pen drive where ever you go in the form of HTML file and you'll have access to your  bookmarks on any PC you use by transferring your bookmarks file,even smart phones/tabs can use the file.
Just spend 2-3 min time and read,it saves you ample of TIME for other things.
In the last step i have show how to retain backed up bookmarks.

Check out the steps to Backup Or import/export bookmarks below ...

Steps to backup bookmarks in Google Chrome :

Step 1 : Go to Google chrome >> Customize and Control Google chrome.

Step 1  Backup Bookmark
Backup Bookmark  : Step 1

Step 2 : Hover on Bookmarks option >> click bookmarks manager .
            Press Ctrl+Shift+O keys in chrome,you'll straight away be   
            taken to bookmarks Import/Export menu.

Step  2 :  Backup Bookmarks
Backup Bookmark  : Step 2

Step 3 : Click on Organize >> then on Export/Import bookmarks as HTML file.

Step 3 : Backup bookmarks
Step 3 : Back bookmarks

Step 4 : Then choose from window, where to save your bookmarks file and hit SAVE.

Step 4 : Backup Bookmarks
Backup Bookmark  : Step 4

While accessing the already saved bookmarks, same steps have to be followed until step 3. 

Step 5 : In step 3 after clicking on organize, just click import  bookmarks as HTML file.

Step 5 : Restore Bookmarks
Restore Bookmarks  : Step 5

Then find the already saved bookmarks file,That's it. Now you'll see all your bookmarks are restored.

It was pretty easy!. Right?

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Enjoy folks...


  1. Thanks, this helped. I could never find how to backup my bookmarks, so I've been having to open IE just to add a page to my favorites since I keep a backup copy of that folder. It was a bit of a hassle.

  2. thanx dude

  3. Is this process outdated as of Oct 21, 2013? I can not find the first action laid out in your step by step.

    1. Yup! first step is not required now, when i published this post it was as per older version of the chrome. Just skip the 1st step and get on with from 2nd (everything other than that is same).

  4. Thanks for the great tutorial of saving Bookmarks.

  5. thanks for sharing bud


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